Worms are indeed a part of the animal kingdom. However, depending on where you look and who you ask, some will say that worms are animals, whereas others will say that they are not. Indeed the question is a little more complicated than it might first appear to be, making the answer a little complicated, too! In this article, we will discover what part of the animal kingdom worms are from, whether or not they...
Continue reading...Are Worms Insects? (Is An Earthworm An Insect?)
There are a few key differences between insects and worms. However, there are also a few species that cross the lines between invertebrates, worms and insects. In this article, we explore the differences between worms and insects, what makes worms invertebrates, and what exactly makes them unique, but first.. Is a Worm an Insect? QUICK ANSWER Earthworms are not insects. But some insects have been given the “worm” name, which is technically incorrect, such as...
Continue reading...Do Worms Have Genders? (Can Earthworms be Male or Female)
All earthworms, believe it or not, are hermaphrodites. All earthworms are equipped with both male and female reproductive organs, making them a species that has to perform both male and female parts when they mate. In fact, they are one of many animals that happen to be hermaphrodites. Others include clownfish, land snails, starfish, frogs, lizards, etc. Earthworms do not have genders – as they all have the same reproductive systems. So, as hermaphrodites without...
Continue reading...Do Lizards Eat Worms?
Yes, some species of carnivorous and omnivorous lizards often eat worms. Worms are often eaten by a few species of lizards. However, some worms like earthworms have a slimy exterior which can lead to lizards sometimes avoiding them; they feed on worms when there is no other option to eat. Other worm-like invertebrates that lizards enjoy include hornworms, waxworms, and mealworms. Lizards can easily have different type of worms which includes mealworms, earthworms, waxworms, super...
Continue reading...Earthworm vs Jumping worm (What’s the Difference Between These Worms?)
There are many different types of worm. Your common earthworm, for example, is just one species and contains many sub-species including the jumping worm. So, what’s the difference between earthworms vs Jumping worms? Although we are only recently understanding the importance of earthworms in our gardens, the stigma around these creatures has started to spread yet again, this time due to a specific type of earthworm: the Asian jumping worm. These little creatures are making...
Continue reading...Do Frogs Eat Worms? [What About Toads?]
Yes, frogs consume worms, with their favorite ones being mealworms. Frogs consume worms as they hunt live insects, including snails, spiders, worms, slugs, termites, dragonflies, crickets, and larvae. The sort and size of the bug will vary according to the size of the frog. More commonly eaten among tiny or small frogs. Gnats ants fruit flies and red worms Whereas bigger frogs and toads prefer: roaches earthworms small fish invertebrates and even small rodents Frogs...
Continue reading...Do Snakes Eat Worms?
Yes, snakes eat worms, especially earthworms, because they are all carnivores. Snakes eat worms and most of their diet is dependent on different species. Many eat warm-blooded prey such as rodents, rabbits, and birds, while others eat insects, amphibians such as frogs and toads, eggs, reptiles, fish, worms, and slugs. Snakes eat all of their food at once. Mice, rats, gerbils, and hamsters are common foods for the most famous pet snakes. Entire rabbits are...
Continue reading...Fun Worm Facts For Kids & Adults – All About Worms!
Worms are fascinating creatures and although they may look and act simple enough, they are far more complex than most people give them credit for. Here are 16 fun worm facts for kids and adults alike! Time to learn all about worms and the important role they play in our world… 1. Earthworms do not have eyes – their bodies have photoreceptor cells, so they can sense light. Although earthworms do not have eyes, they...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Leaves?
When researching what to feed the worms in a vermicomposting system or a worm bin, we usually are given a list of the kitchen scraps or food scraps that we can give to them. Fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds, grains, etc – normally make the list of things worms can eat. But we aren’t really told about the other organic things that we come across in our gardens, on our walks in the park, etc. For...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Cardboard?
Having a worm bin or a vermicomposting system is a great way of reducing the waste that we send away to landfills. Most of our organic waste can be dealt with by composting worms, simply by keeping them in a healthy environment with a recurring and good food source. Win-win! Nowadays, a big part of our waste comes from all of the cardboard boxes we receive from our online orders. That’s why it is important...
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