Tapeworms are intestinal parasites species and a problem if you have pets that have fleas. But you’ve probably wondered, how long do tapeworm eggs live in carpets and other surfaces? When it comes to tapeworms, their life cycle is indirect, which is why they can live outside the host body for quite some time. While adult tapeworms live inside their host’s body, they excrete reproductive segments that thrive in the outside environment. It gets into...
Continue reading...How to Deworm a Dog with Tobacco (& Does it Work?)
Amongst other natural remedies for deworming a dog, using tobacco has proven to be the most effective and popular method among dog owners. Your dog’s health is very important, so you have to know everything about your canine friend and one major thing to look out for is dog worms. A worm infestation in your dog is terrible and can result in even worse conditions if left untreated, depending on the type of worm. You’re...
Continue reading...What Do Inchworms Eat? (and Drink)
The inchworm AKA cankerworms, loopers, and spanworms are a specific species of worm that feed on decaying leaves and other plant matter in the garden and on many deciduous trees (large trees with flowering plants/leaves that shed). Though an inch long, they play a role in sustaining the environment, ecosystem, and to a large extent, humans. However, in some parts of the world, our friendly inchworm is considered a bad sign when seen. This has...
Continue reading...How Long Do Roundworms Live Outside the Body? (and Other Surfaces)
Roundworms are parasites that can cause disturbance in the overall well-being of both dogs and humans (their primary hosts). But how long do roundworms and their larvae survive outside the body? The short answer is: Roundworm eggs take about one to three weeks of age to become mature roundworms but when they are ejected from the intestine to the soil, the worms die almost immediately as they’ll have nothing to feed on. They usually find...
Continue reading...Are Trolli Gummy Worms Halal? (7 Options That Are!)
If you’re Muslim or have similar dietary requirements to the Islamic faith, you have to be skeptical of the things you put into your stomach. Candy is always something to look at carefully. Before consuming your go to snack or favorite candy, you have to consider if it is halal or not. Are Trolli gummy worms halal? In the great line of candies, there are the Trolli gummy worms which, over the years have been...
Continue reading...Nightcrawler Worm (Lumbricus Terrestris) | Everything You Need to Know
Nightcrawler worms are the most common earthworms in the world and they are used as bait for fish, and also for vermicomposting in the garden. Look around most moist soil surfaces at night and you may catch nightcrawler worms scrambling the area. Though being Endogeic (deep soil) worm species, you’ll likely have to wait for them to show themselves (usually after heavy rainfall) They have a rather large body, unlike most earthworms you’ll find around....
Continue reading...My Dog Has Hookworms and Licked Me – Can Humans be Infected?
Your hookworm-infected dog just happily jumped on you and licked you. Now you’re wondering whether you’ve been infected with hookworms or not. Unfortunately, there is a possibility you may have been infected with hookworms from your dog. Hookworms are intestinal parasites that live off their hosts and cause severe damage including internal blood loss (they are bloodsucking worms). They also cause diarrhea, vomiting, and discomfort as well. If you’re wondering how the hookworms in your...
Continue reading...Red Wiggler Worms (Eisenia Fetida) – All the Facts You Need to Know
The most common composting worm is the Red wiggler worm or red worms. They are the best starter option when it comes to picking the best worms for vermicomposting. However, they may usually get confused with other worms because of their generic look. While the eyes of a seasoned worm farm enthusiast will know which worms are red wigglers, novice worm farmers may not. If you’re a beginner to vermicomposting and you’re thinking of adding...
Continue reading...Blue Worm – Indian Blues (Perionyx Excavatus) | All the Facts You Need to Know
Perionyx excavatus, sometimes known as the Indian blue earthworm, is a native of South Asia, including Pakistan and Sri Lanka. They can also be found further east in tropical climates like Malaysia (hence, sometimes being called “Malaysian Blues”) and as far as Australia. They can grow in a variety of soil types and are typically found in tropical and subtropical areas. They are also present in other regions of the world like North America, where...
Continue reading...Worm Farm Problems – Maggots (How to Get Rid of Them!)
If you have a worm bin or a worm farm, then you know that one of the most common problems is maggots. Maggots are the larvae of adult flies and they love to feast on decaying organic matter, kitchen scraps, and piles of waste. If you have a lot of maggots on your worm farm, it’s probably because there is too much worm food for them to eat, which has spoiled and attracted flies. The...
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