If you are anything like most anglers, you will always be looking for unexpected tips and approaches which might give you an edge when it comes to tempting your prey to your line. In your research, you may have heard claims that you can use gummy worms to catch fish. But you’re probably wondering, do these artificial worms actually make great bait? Or is this more of an urban legend? Below we will take a...
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How to Raise Worms (Raising Them The Right Way)
Raising worms is not an easy task. It can be time-consuming and expensive. You have to do it the right way or else your worm farm will fail. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with our comprehensive guide on how to raise worms. Our Key Takeaways Find or buy composting worms like red wigglers or nightcrawlers (worms tend to to surface during rainy days) Find a worm bin or worm bins (a container, bucket...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Bone Meal? (Can You Compost Bones in a Worm Bin?)
Worms eat anything organic, and bone meal is organic matter, so yes, worms can eat bone meal. But worms do not show a particular like or dislike for bone meal. For this reason, you should only add a small amount of bone meal to your worm bin at a time and monitor the moisture (too dry and they’ll struggle to breathe, too wet and they’ll want to escape!) and pH level of your bin. So...
Continue reading...Do Oscar Fish Eat Worms? (Earthworms, Mealworms, Bloodworms & More)
Oscar fish are omnivores and voracious eaters in the wild and although worms don’t tend to be a staple food in nature, they will readily consume as much of them as they are fed in an aquarium. But which kind and how many? That’s what we’ll discuss in this article in detail. Naturally, Oscar fish will eat anything that fits in their mouth and is tasty, including vegetables, frozen food and live food like feeder...
Continue reading...Can Hamsters Eat Mealworms? (& Dry Mealworms?)
Mealworms are a few inches of tasty protein that will help complete the diet of your hamster. Hamsters eat mealworms and they make great hamster food for your little furry buddies. If given in the right moderation, mealworms can help improve the health of your hamster. The answer to the question is yes, mealworms are a delightful sight to hamsters and they have a knack for eating them when available as an occasional treat. You...
Continue reading...How Long Are Worms Good in The Fridge? (How Long Do They Last?)
Anglers love to store worms in the fridge, keeping their fishing worms alive until their next fishing trip. Some worm farm owners like to delay their growth or reproduction by storing them in the fridge. Some common worms kept the refrigerator include nightcrawlers, red wigglers, and mealworms. These worms can survive the chill of the fridge (or die trying after a few weeks!). As long as your fridge is not freezing cold like in the...
Continue reading...How To Grow Mealworms (Raising a Mealworm Farm)
Raising mealworms is a great way to save money on feed for pets or animals that eat mealworms, to use as fishing bait, make some extra money and reduce pollution. If you’ve been thinking about starting this mealworm farm process, this helpful guide will lead you in the right direction. Getting Started Raising Mealworms The first step to growing and raising mealworms is setting up a home for them and getting the right equipment for...
Continue reading...How To Attract Worms Into Your Garden and The Benefits (9 Tips)
If you are looking for a way to make your garden more beautiful and rich with life, then this article is for you! Have you ever wanted to attract worms into your garden? Here, we will give you some helpful tips on how to do just that and gather worms in bundles into your garden. Worms help a garden produce better and healthier fruits, flowers, and vegetables. Are you thinking how you wouldn’t want to...
Continue reading...Types Of Earthworms – Facts And How They Help Your Garden or Farm Prosper
Earthworms are one of the most useful animals and can quickly help your farm or garden prosper. For more information on types of earthworms and how they can help you, keep reading. What Are Earthworms? They are invertebrates that live in soil and sewage. They provide many benefits to humans and agriculture by improving soil quality and promoting plant growth. Types Of Earthworms According To Their Sizes Or Colors The first thing you should know...
Continue reading...Does Beer Kill Worms in Dogs? (Is it Safe?)
Among other home remedies for killing dog worms, such as apple cider vinegar, chopped carrots, and kefir, using beer to kill worms is what many users swear to be another effective method. But, is it? Let’s explore the research. Beer has long been rumored to kill worms in dogs and many people use it on their dogs with caution and swear it can kill heart worms and other intestinal parasites. This method, however, comes with...
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