If you’re a gardener, it’s easy to forget that there are other living things in your potted plants… besides the plants! And sometimes those little creatures can be more than just pests – they can actually help your garden thrive. The types of worms in potted plants you might find include: Potworms (Enchytraeids) Red Wigglers (Eisenia foetida) Grub Worms Millipedes Parasitic Nematodes In this article, we’ll discuss these 5 types of worms found in potted...
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Do Moles Eat Worms and Grubs? (What Type of Worms?)
Moles are known for their voracious appetites but their favorites are earthworms, grubs, insects and even small animals they can get their hands on. You’re probably curious if moles eat worms because of the confusion surrounding their diet. So, we did some thorough research to find out. It was initially thought that they were insectivores or carnivores, but recent studies have shown vegetable matter was found in their guts, which could indicate they may be...
Continue reading...Do Turtles Eat Worms? (Snapping, Box and Painted Turtle Species)
As omnivores, Turles have a varied diet which may include worms, snails, and small aquatic insects. Turtles are omnivores and they need a balanced diet that is rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins. They tend to eat any kind of worm they can get their claws on. In this article, we will show you more about what kind of worms they consume based on our hours of research. Yes, turtles do eat worms. They do...
Continue reading...Do Cardinals Eat Worms? (What Type of Worm?)
Cardinals will eat a variety of foods, ranging from seeds, plant matter to insects and even small vertebrates like lizards and frogs. These birds are striking with their bright red plumage and black faces. But do cardinals eat worms? The answer is yes, cardinals do eat worms! But contrary to popular belief, the northern cardinal does not have a diet that is wholly comprised of worms. It’s a bit more complicated than that. To understand...
Continue reading...Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Worms? (Earthworms, Mealworms, Bloodworms & More)
Venus flytraps are one of the most popular carnivorous plants in the world and a fantastic choice for anyone who wants to grow their own insect-eating plant. These plants are carnivorous, and they’re a lot of fun to have around the house. Their tiny, toothy traps catch insects, spiders and more. In this article we did hours of research to find out: what kind of worms Venus flytraps can eat whether you should feed your...
Continue reading...Do Turkeys Eat Worms & Meal Worms? (Domestic and Wild)
Turkeys have large appetites. They need a lot of food, from big-bodied adults to broods of rapidly developing turkey poults (baby turkeys). But do turkeys eat worms? We did hours of research to bring you the answer in this post! Their diet varies with the season and location. Consider them as avian food enthusiasts, with a hundred different dietary options on the menu – some of which you wouldn’t expect. If you might be wondering...
Continue reading...Do Robins Eat Worms? (The Benefits, Why, and How Many Per Day)
Robins are particularly known to eat insects and worms, but also feed on fruit and nuts wherever they find them. During spring, they lurk around gardens in search of worms. Robins are in constant search of earthworms, mealworms, and jumping worms, among other kinds of worms that they love to eat. In every backyard or soil-rich garden, you’ll notice there’s a high chance of seeing a Robin or two, with one eye, laser-focused on a...
Continue reading...Do Parrots Eat Worms and Mealworms? (Is it Healthy For Them?)
Parrots are very entertaining creatures that can also be a lot of fun to watch, especially when they discover a new food item. But you probably have the same question I did. Do parrots eat worms like other birds eat worms? I did some research and this is what I found.. As your parrot becomes comfortable in its environment, you might find it spending more and more time investigating your kitchen or pantry areas in...
Continue reading...Aquatic Worms – Facts and Everything You Need To Know
Aquatic worms are different from typical earthworms in that they live underwater. They usually belong to the polychaete family of annelids. They can be found all over the world in aquatic habitats. They usually feed on dead fish and other material on the bottom of lakes and rivers. Freshwater Vs. Saltwater Worms The main differences between freshwater and saltwater worms are their physical features. Saltwater worms tend to have short hair-like setae (or bristles) on...
Continue reading...Do Birds Eat Jumping Worms? (Chickens and Other Bird Species)
You may have seen the jumping worm, often referred to as Asian jumping worms due to their origin, and freaked out. Or you heard that they’re an invasive species and wanted to find out if these crazy worms had any predators! Birds are the first thing that came to mind. Ours too. Surely, birds will eat jumping worms? We did hours of research to find out whether any birds eat these invasive jumping worms. Our...
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