Most people will tell you that the best thing to feed ducks at the local pond or lake is bread. Although it may not have appeared evident initially, bread is actually a horrible meal for ducks. Ducks are omnivores and may consume a broad range of meals, both plant-based and meat-based. Especially wild ducks. When you’re rearing ducks, you may be curious about what meals are ideal and which are not.
So, do Ducks Eat Worms? Yes, ducks love to eat worms, absolutely. Worms are amongst the ducks’ favorite foods. Many wild birds are excellent at dredging up soil and hunting for worms, thanks to their beaks. The wild duck requires a lot of nutrients; therefore, worms make excellent nourishment for both ducklings and adult ducks.
Do Ducks Eat Earthworms?
When most of us talk about worms, we’re only really talking about this type. Earthworms may be found almost anywhere on the planet.
Many earthworms are nutrient-dense and a valuable source of protein for a variety of animals.
Can ducks consume earthworms, and would it be healthy for them to do so?
Ducks can comfortably eat earthworms. In fact, it’s one of the duck’s most loved food species in the worm category.
Ducks are excellent at digging up soil and hunting for earthworms, thanks to their beaks. The ducks require a lot of nutrients; and worms tick this box, making them excellent duck feed.
Which species of worm do ducks eat for food?
It’s not just earthworms, but feeding ducks can also be with a lot of other worm species as well.
• Superworms
Owing to their high nutritional value, superworms are an excellent food for ducks.
Such worms resemble mealworms (which we’ll come to in a while) in appearance; however, they are considerably larger and more substantial.
Fat and protein are abundant in superworms. As a result, only feed the ducks in proportion, especially young ducks.
If your duck is starting to lay eggs, though, you may consider increasing the number of superworms you feed her. A ducks diet requires a lot of fat and protein to be strong and make good eggs during this period.
• Calcium Worms
These calcium worms are organic nutrient-rich worms that are the larvae of dark army insects.
The worms are a good source of calcium, as their title implies. Calci worms have a lot of amino acids, fat, and protein. The ducks require every one of these nutrients to be fit and active.
• Mealworms
Mealworms are high in fiber, fat, and protein, among other nutrients. These are guaranteed to be a hit at the duck pond.
Feeding the mealworms to the ducks in moderation is recommended owing to their high protein and fat. When they consume too many worms, ducks may put on weight and get an “angel wing” illness (more on this later).
Are Worms Good for Ducks?
A wiggling delicacy, as we’ve mentioned, worms are a very rich source of nutrients whether they are used to feed wild ducks or domestic ducks. They are high in the nutrients that they require (fiber, fat, and protein, among other nutrients) and will be among a duck’s favorite food source.
Worms include roughly 70% proteins, 6-11 percent fats, and niacin on a dry weight basis.
A few of the health advantages of providing worms to ducks are listed below:
Grown Ducks Will Produce Quality Eggs
Worms are a good source of protein that aids the duck’s ability to produce high-quality eggs. Eggs of a higher grade will be better and have a superior flavor.
You should feed your ducks more protein to chickens while they are producing eggs. This not only enhances the effectiveness of the eggs but also lowers risk of health issues for the ducks.
Prevent Niacin Deficiency
Niacin, often known as vitamin B3, is abundant in insects, commonly earthworms.
Niacin is exceptionally vital to ducks, and their health is dependent on it—niacin aids in converting the food eaten by the ducks into energy.
Because such ducks can’t store niacin, they’ll require a steady source of the vitamin day after day.
Ducks’ wellness will worsen if they don’t get enough niacin.
- Fragile joints
- bending limbs
- expanded hock bones
- pigeon-toed posture
- and difficulty to move
are among some of the health problems.
But Are Earthworms Safe for Ducks?
Earthworms are a safe dietary source for ducks. Ducks love to forage on there worms, which are commonly present in soils.
But the one thing you should be concerned about is earthworm parasites. Earthworms in nature will migrate from one location to the other. They may contract parasites as a result of this.
If the ducks consume parasite-infested earthworms, they will become parasite-infested as well.
Some symptoms for ducks with parasites may be:
- they will lose some weight
- develop a temperature
- have diarrhea due to the parasites.
If you detect any of such symptoms after the duck has consumed earthworms, you must bring it to the veterinarian for a thorough check-up.
How Often Can a Duck Eat Earthworms?
Ducks must be given earthworms in a moderate amount. They can consume the worms since they are nutritious, but they contain a lot of proteins.
While protein is good, a balanced diet is required. Extra protein for most ducks is harmful and, may result in “angel wings”.
The apex of the wing twists or rotates and points outward in this situation. It will be tough for ducks to fly if they develop angel wings.
Two to three earthworms each week will be sufficient and is likely to stop this from happening.
Decrease the number of earthworms you serve them to once a week if you’re feeding them additional high-protein meals as well.
Can you feed baby ducks worms?
Baby ducks may consume worms after they reach the age of three weeks.
You may start feeding them worms when they’re three weeks old. Only give them a relatively tiny worm, to begin with.
To entice the baby ducks to consume the worm, lay it close to it. Some may be apprehensive initially because this is a unique adventure for them. They will likely consume it after a time out of curiosity or hunger.
Do Ducks Eat Worms? The straightforward answer is yes, they do! Many duck owners are unsure whether to present their ducks with insects, such as worms, or serve bread.
While bread isn’t the ideal food for ducks due to several reasons, worms, on the contrary, make up for excellent nutrition for your ducks and their babies.
Apart from earthworms, ducks can also eat other worm species, such as superworms, calcium worms, and mealworms.
However, be wary of where you source your worms, and ensure it is as clean as possible. Having parasites in them is not what wild or pet ducks want – you don’t want the poor thing needing to go to a vet.
Ever thought of discovering more about worms? Read worms facts in more of our articles about them.