Why throw away your food scraps in landfills if you can get something beneficial from them? Did you know that you can pet worms to transform your trash into nutrient-rich soil? The tiny creatures feed on kitchen scraps and produce the compost gold for you! Worm composting is easy to start, but you need to consider a few things. This article will help you grow a worm farm if you are new to vermicomposting. We...
Continue reading...How to Get Rid of Grub Worms From Your Garden? A Detailed Guide
No one likes the sight of tiny multi-legged, fat, white creatures in their garden. Not only do these grub worms give your garden a bad look, but they also damage it by feeding on the roots resulting in malnourished plants. Plants die due to damage and water shortage. All this sounds terrible. But no worries, you have found the right article. We will tell you how to get rid of grub worms quickly and make...
Continue reading...5 Best Worm Farm Kits You Should Buy Right Now [2022 Reviews]
Worms; the tiny wrangling creatures may creep you out, but you know they are beneficial for your soil. You also know the little wigglers will feed on your food craps and impart essential nutrients to your garden..and now you want to raise a worm army of your own to take over the world! Ok, maybe I took that a bit too far but how about we look at the best worm farm kit that money...
Continue reading...The Ultimate Guide to Worm Farming
If you’re a family farmer or just interested in gardening, you’ve probably run into a problem: how to get organic fertilizer for your plants? To keep a garden, we need large amounts of organic fertilizer, which can be quite costly and laborious. An excellent solution for this is worm farming. Worms are famous for softening the earth and turning organic matter into nutrient-packed fertilizers for plants, also known as worm castings. Why Should You Have...
Continue reading...Reasons Why Worms Get Into Apples and How You Can Prevent It
Have you ever had the experience of biting a juicy and shiny apple, freshly picked up from a tree and got a worm in it? Even though worms poking out of apples may be a fun back-to-school theme, it is not a fun idea to picture what is actually happening. A whole-grown green worm coming out from an apple! Ew. Also, do you know that the fictional worm doesn’t look like the actual apple maggot...
Continue reading...How to Build The Best Worm Habitat? Easy Tips and Hacks
A worm habitat is a great way to recycle kitchen waste and food scraps. Did you know that worms’ farms are a vermicomposting system that produces one of the best garden fertilizers? And that worms are one of the fastest composters in the world? It takes a little bit of preparation to build a good worm habitat, but it is worth it! A well-prepared worm habitat is easy to maintain, consumes very little time and...
Continue reading...How to Prevent Cabbage Worms – Here’s What You Should Do
Your backyard kitchen garden is home to several plant and animal lives. Most of them co-exist by maintaining symbiotic relationships among themselves. But that’s not always the case. No matter how fortified your farm is, you will always find a few innocent looking creatures ruining your vegetables. One of the main culprit responsible for eating up your vegetables before you do is the cabbage worm. Let’s get to know them a little better and how...
Continue reading...How To Get Rid Of Detritus Worms In Aquarium? Find Out Here
Having a fish aquarium is more than just about aesthetics in your room. Chinese culture of “feng shui” believes that it cultivates positive energy and vibe in your home and office to generate wealth and abundance. But first, you have to fulfill your responsibility by taking good care of them. Having Detritus worms in your aquarium isn’t taking good care of them! If you own an aquarium, you must have noticed a colony of tiny...
Continue reading...DIY Worm Farm – Here’s How You Can Build One Yourself
Worm Farming has become more of a necessity than a hobby due to growing concern for environmental protection. As we are producing more household waste than ever, landfill sites have already started running out of their capacity. Most of the kitchen waste and food scraps we throw away are biodegradable that can be processed in the backyard with a simple yet effective DIY worm farm. And that’s why you’re here! You don’t have to be...
Continue reading...How to Breed Wax Worms – Explained In The Easiest Way
Wax worms are tiny little creatures but come with great value to the ecosystem. The growing interest in the breeding of wax worms has led to its commercialization in recent years. That’s why you’re here, right? You can always make a run to the nearest pet store and buy them for a hefty price tag. Or, you can be smart and take time going through this article so that you can get started with breeding...
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