Worms eat any organic decaying matter, from fruits and vegetables to dead leaves and petals and yes, even dead bodies. Once your heart stops beating, you might become worm food! Every dead body is organic and in due course is decomposed enough for the worms to eat. It is the very definition of the circle of life. We live, we die, we return to the earth where our bodies feed the soil and its inhabitants,...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Coconut Coir?
Coconut coir is an ideal bedding for worm bins and is not just great for the environment of the bin but is also perfectly healthy for worms to eat and consume. Just as they eat the soil that they live in in the ground, they will eat the coir that you have supplied as their environment in the compositing bin. But why is coir and peat moss, for example, so nutritious for worms? Believe it...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Peat Moss? (What About Other Types of Moss? Is it too Acidic? Explained)
Worried about whether or not worms can munch through peat moss? It’s worth asking the question, particularly if you’re feeling your way around worm farming for the first time ever. If you own a worm bin and/or vermicomposting system, then you will most likely always be doing your very best to provide the best environment for them. Thankfully, as you will most likely already know, worms aren’t that fussy! They will happily eat any of...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Tomatoes? (Things to Know Before Feeding Tomato to Your Earthworms – Acidity, Moisture and more)
Tomatoes are definitely a family favorite and are used in so many dishes. These ripe fruits are a wonderful food to keep in any household. But do worms eat tomatoes? Whether your crop has been overly productive or you have bought too many from the market, it is important to know whether your worm bin could make good use out of those rotting tomatoes. The question as to whether worms do eat tomatoes isn’t a...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Meat? (Can it Go in Your Worm Bin? Smells, Pests & Protein Poisoning)
When researching how to maintain a worm composting bin, you’ll likely have come across all kinds of things you shouldn’t feed your earthworms. But where does meat fall into the equation? Can worms eat meat – and if so, do they choose to, out of all the food scraps in your bin? Yes, worms do eat meat. The average worm will eat almost any organic matter whilst it is decaying or dead. It all converts...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Radishes? (Do Earthworms Also Eat Radish Leaves?)
Radishes are a particularly interesting food, as they really are not to everyone’s taste. Some people tend to find the taste to be too strong, even spicy. But what about earthworms? You may find yourself wondering whether or not radishes are OK for worms to eat, and that is a valid question. The bottom line is yes, worms do eat radishes. Worms consume almost any organic decaying matter. They will gratefully accept any kitchen scraps that you...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Paper? (What About Newspaper, Paper Towels and Cardboard?)
Paper is often used in worm compost bins as bedding for the worms. Although the term ‘bedding’ might lead you to believe that it is that which a worm slides into at night for a cosy sleep, it’s not that at all! But can your worms actually eat the paper? Worms can eat paper, cardboard and more along with food scraps. Their bedding is the necessary added material to a compost pile, in order to...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Other Worms?
Are you concerned about your composting worms having a nibble at each other? Before starting your own worm composting bin or worm farm, you may be worrying about what will happen if they run out of the food they are craving. Do worms eat worms or consume other worms after turning on each other? In some cases, yes, worms will eat other worms. But don’t worry! While worms chow down on decaying and dead matter,...
Continue reading...Do Worms Have Bones? How Do Earthworms Move?
Earthworms move in an interesting way. One side of the worm almost pulls the other side in the direction it wants to go in. It begs the question; do earthworms have bones? The short answer is no, earthworms don’t have bones. They are invertebrates. Earthworms are considered annelids and while they don’t have bones, they do have what is known as a hydroskeleton. These aren’t bones in the normal sense, but as the name suggests,...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Seaweed? (What about Kelp and Seagrass?)
Worms eat most natural decaying matter, like fruit and vegetables food scraps, other organic kitchen scraps, the nutrients from dead leaves, petals and roots, and yes, even decomposing seaweed! Freshwater seaweed is pretty much fine to go directly onto your garden or in your composting bin, however, it is important to pay attention to the effects that the seaweed is having on your bin. Yes, worms do eat seaweed. Seaweed is natural but comes from...
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