Do Mice Eat Worms? (ANSWERED)

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Mice are omnivores when it comes to their diet. These creatures end up eating anything nutritious (and sometimes not!) that comes to their path.

If you’re wondering, yes, mice do eat Worms. Worms are great sources of nourishment for mice. Worms and insects are high in protein, which is especially important for mice and rats, unless they over-consume them frequently.

Take no worms or insects. Because there are so many others, you must only serve them voluntarily.

While selecting the finest pampering pet, please take the necessary precautions to reduce the likelihood of being ill.

Worms, on the other hand, make excellent little treats for pets. Fat is only beneficial in the development of tiny mice.

Do Pet Mice Eat Worms?

Your pet mouse is actually a more “opportunistic” omnivore, but would mainly rather adhere to a herbivorous diet of fruits, seeds, vegetables and grains.

However, the certainly won’t say no to worms. Mealworms are probably a mouses favorite type of worm but they will also polish off earthworms without an issue.

The only problem might be that the earthworm contains parasites. Be sure to clean the worm off thoroughly or ensure you get it from a clean source. You might not even want to take the risk.

Will Mice or Rats Eat Earthworms from Your Worm Bins?

Mice are attracted to worm farms if there’s too much foodstuff in the earthworm dumpster at once or improper food scraps, like meat, are introduced.

Your compost bin might invite rats and other pests if meal leftovers are introduced quicker than the earthworms will put them away. Rotting meat and dairy products would appeal to them and are big offenders.

They aren’t likely to come seeking your worms as a food resource, though. They are actually more “opportunistic” omnivores, but mainly adhere to a herbivorous diet. It’s the strong smell of the food that will alert and attract them to the bin.

They’re more likely to eat the fruits, seeds and vegetables from your earthworm farm, though this is problematic as it also takes food off your worms plate…

So, the question is how to avoid rats or mice being attracted to your earthworm bins?

Arguably, the most successful technique for preventing rats and mice from being drawn to your earthworm bins is to limit the quantity of household trash produced and use the correct food supply, such as most vegetable and fruit scraps.

The prevalent belief is that if you keep dumping your excess foods into the bin, the earthworm species will ultimately increase to match the food production.

To some extent, the theory holds, as the happier earthworms are in their environment, the more they’ll reproduce.

However, when you pile huge quantities of leftovers in your trash, the excess production will have more time to decay and smell which is where mice, rats and other rodent species or pests get drawn to your worm bin.

Begin slowly, adding minor quantities of suitable food to the bin at a time. You may gradually raise the food production after your earthworm farm is developed and prospering.

The second condition is to employ organic material that is generally NOT animal produce.

These typically make for good composting materials, yet they are essential for preventing rats.

They are drawn to scents, and when dairy and meat wastes degrade, they emit a strong stink.

(Useful Tip): Topping the food scraps with a covering of dry, brown matter like dead leaves, cardboard, shredded paper etc is an excellent idea. This would aid in the reduction of smells and balance your worm farm.

mice in search of something to eat

Do Mice Like Worms?

Mice are omnivores, but mostly prefer a herbivores diet, who eat everything they can get their hands on. They can consume almost everything, including worms, if it is accessible.

The odor of food scraps, mainly decaying meats and spoiled cheese, draws mice, although many foods are in a mouse’s diet whenever it’s accessible and they’re hungry enough.

Fun Fact: There is a species of mouse, called the Apomys, that has garnered the name “earthworm mouse” because they seem to love feeding on earthworms!

Mice in the wild are renowned for sneaking into garbage cans placed outdoors, making the concept of an outdoors worm farm appear counter intuitive.

You can take measures to keep the pesky mouse away from your worm farm though, by keeping it secure and inaccessible.

What Rodents Eat Worms?

Mice and Rats are well-known for eating worms.

Whereas many rodents are exclusively herbivores (such that they exclusively consume plants), mice and rats are omnivores (they consume both animals and plants).

Rats are voracious eaters who will consume practically everything with some nutrient benefit when they are hungry.

Because worms among insects are tiny and are readily available and trap, they provide ideal feed for rats and mice.

Mice and rats will consume many other insects other than worms.

Depending on the scenario, they’ll eat spiders (their eggs), birds, frogs, and the snake when they are sufficiently tiny for the rodents to get their hands on and bring them down effectively.

Having said all that, many omnivores, including rodents, exhibit favorites.

When given an option, rats and mice favor plant-based meals, including berries, walnuts, and grains. The tastier the meal, the further probability that the rats will eat it.

If plant-based goodies such as these are accessible (buttery groundnut oils are a personal favorite), rodents will most likely ignore the insects.

They would not aggressively hunt them out in the wild for dinner. However, that’s not to say they won’t eat insects such as worms. They would feast on them when hungry!


We can deduce that pet mice are voracious eaters of various insects and worms. You may incorporate the worms into your tiny mice’s food. Obviously, the essential point to remember is that you must obtain them from a trusted organization.

Trying to catch them all around home isn’t worth the hassle since you don’t know whether they’ve been exposed to any toxins. You can acquire various natural and tidy feeds at pet shops that will not harm your elegant mouse’s wellness.

What you have to do is feed those protein grenades to your pet mice twice per week, and they’ll be great. If offered as a snack, insects and worms have a high nutritional value and will deliver your mice a burst of energy.

Find out in more articles what other animals/insects eat worms e.g. “Do rabbits eat worms?, “Do frogs eat worms?, “Do praying mantis eat worms?“.