Does Beer Kill Worms in Dogs? (Is it Safe?)

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Among other home remedies for killing dog worms, such as apple cider vinegar, chopped carrots, and kefir, using beer to kill worms is what many users swear to be another effective method.

But, is it? Let’s explore the research.

Beer has long been rumored to kill worms in dogs and many people use it on their dogs with caution and swear it can kill heart worms and other intestinal parasites.

This method, however, comes with its risk as excess alcohol in your dog will lead to alcohol poisoning.

Unfortunately, we found no real evidence or scientific research that shows beer kill worms effectively. There is only anecdotal evidence from people online that claim they used beer to successfully fight worms. That doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t effective, though.

In this article, we’ll be examining in greater detail if this ancient practice is both effective and safe or not.

Does Beer Get Rid of Dog Worms?

It is debatable whether beer works effectively in deworming dogs.

Although not a fully endorsed method by the medical profession, anecdotally, some people claim it still works.

Beer, like other natural remedies, may eliminate worms in dogs but may cause harm to them if you’re not careful and overdose, due to the alcohol content.

The alcohol and hops in beer (Guiness, specifically – more on this later) is what is apparently responsible for killing worms and it is thought this drastically reduces their activities in the dog’s stomach, promoting a healthy digestive system.

More so, beer contains yeast which isn’t only beneficial in aiding the elimination of worms but also helps with easy digestion.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any studies in any journals to answer the question, “does beer kill worms in dogs”.

The closest we came was finding that an alcoholic extract of Ginger, was 98% effective in reducing heartworm microfilarial (their offspring) counts..but this was via multiple injections, so not exactly a DIY solution.

To cap, you should not indiscriminately give beer to your dogs as excess dose leads to a worse-case scenario of alcohol poisoning and fatality!

If you want to start the practice of beer treatment, ensure you give the correct dosage proportionate to their weight (see the next section)

For example, if your dog weighs 25 pounds, then just 1 ounce of beer daily should do the job, until the worm infestation is gone (this can be confirmed via blood or stool tests, depending on the type of worm you’re treating, at the vets).

You should also consult some with more experience, like herbal veterinarians, who have been into this practice for a long time to get some advice.

What Type of Beers Kill Worms in Dogs?

When you hear beer treatment for dogs, for those who love beer, I bet you’re probably planning on giving your dogs your favorite beer, right?

Well, as exciting as the idea can be, it isn’t wise to give your dogs any beer you get your hands on.

It is recommended and rumored that only the Guinness Black Draught brand, specifically brewed and produced in Dublin, Ireland is effective.

The irony of this is that the Guinness beer MUST be from Dublin, Ireland – It cannot come from anywhere else!

This is because, again as rumor has it, it is the hops and water used in manufacturing the Guinness beer in Dublin that is what makes it most effective in killing worms and preventing them from reproducing larvae.

This apparently causes sterile parent worms meaning they can’t reproduce and the cycle of infestation ends with them.

So, if you have the ‘Dublin beer’, then you’re good to go to carefully try your home therapy

How Much Beer Can I Give My Dog for Worms?

Never make the mistake of pouring a full bottle of beer into your dog’s bowl to kill the worms bothering it, as you’ll have the opposite effect and could kill your furry friend!

There is a documented dose for this process – you should only give your dogs beer according to their weight.

Beer Dosing Protocol For Deworming Dogs

  • When treating your small dogs, you shouldn’t administer more than 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of beer.
  • If the dog is medium-sized, then give a dose of 1 to 2 tablespoons.
  • However, when administering beer to large adult dogs, you may give them about 2 to 3 tablespoons to effectively deworm.

You can mix this small amount into their food to help mask the stringent and acidic taste of beer or Guiness which most dogs won’t enjoy.

Give them this amount of beer daily and sit back and monitor if their symptoms improve as this protocol is theoretically supposed to make the adult worms sterile.

Above all, ensure that your dog is beverage-tolerant before increasing the above-stipulated dosage.

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Does Beer Kill Heartworms in Dogs?

It is up for debate.

We’d personally recommend going the tried and tested route when it comes to something as serious and potentially life threatening as heartworm disease in your dog.

Some people may have been successful eliminating heartworms using beer, but beer kill dogs too and we’d hate to imagine how many tragic and failed stories there are that haven’t been told.

This method isn’t backed by medical professionals as it is believed that alcohol in dogs poses a great threat to the dog’s liver among causing other health issues and risks.

That’s not to dispute that it works though as it has seemingly been used as a natural home therapy for a long time.

You should be careful and proceed with caution when using beer to kill heartworms.

Ultimately, it’s best to go to a vet and get confirmation of heartworm and the severity of the infestation through a blood test or get them to check your dog’s stool sample to see if it contains any intestinal parasites.

Is It Ok for A Dog to Drink Beer?

No, beer isn’t the proper drink to give dogs on a casual basis as there are health risks of alcoholic drinks to dogs.

The science shun the use of beer to kill worms in dogs as it can be poisonous to them and bad for your pet’s health.

No matter the quality, dogs shouldn’t be allowed to drink beer casually, and if you’re trying it as a potential remedy to cure worms, the dose should be very small to avoid certain health risks like alcohol poisoning and a dog’s cardiovascular health.

If you want a drink with your furry pal, you can buy specific “dog beer”, which is alcohol free such as the original dog brew by Busch’s dog brew.

This is made for your dog specifically and aren’t designed as anti worm medications.

Is “Dog Beer” the Same as Normal Beer and Does it Get Rid of Worms in Dogs?

Dog beer isn’t the same as normal beer because it isn’t specifically brewed to treat worms in dogs, but just to be a treat for many dogs.

Dog beer has 0% alcohol content in it and that’s in contrast to the average beer in stores and an important part of why people claim beer works against heartworms and intestinal worms.

They are designed to be a tasty snack and reward for your dog, rather than an effective for treating worms in dogs.

There are three popular dog beers that we recommend which should be perfect for your four-legged best friend.

They include:

  1. Subwoofer IPA by BrewDog.
  2. Dog Brew by Busch.
  3. Woof and Brew’s Bottom Sniffer Beer for dogs.

What are Alternative Treatments Besides Beer that Gets Rid of Worms in Dogs?

Besides using beer, which is in the debate of whether it is healthy (or even effective) for dogs or not, there are several natural remedies as an alternative that you can look into and use to get rid of worms in dogs and they include:

  1. Coconut oil (best for intestinal parasites that get into dog’s intestines)
  2. Fermented Vegetables
  3. Pumpkin Seeds
  4. Black Cumin Seed – popularly regarded as the cure for everything except death.”
  5. Grated Fruits And Vegetables
  6. Vegetable Juice
  7. Garlic
  8. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
  9. Thyme
  10. Parsley
  11. Bone Broth
  12. Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
  13. Chamomile
  14. Olive Leaf
  15. Oregon Grape
  16. Black Walnut
  17. Wormwood

Alternatively, you can use worm medicine for dogs like:

  1. Bayer Chewable Quad Dewormer for Small Dogs, 2-25 lbs, 4 Chewable Tablets.
  2. Excel 8in1 Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer for Large Dogs, 3-Day Treatment.
  3. DURVET 12-Pack Triple Wormer Tablets for Puppies and Small Dogs
  4. Nemex-2 Wormer 2oz

The above-listed alternatives or legitimate meds which you can put in a dog’s food can come in handy in place of beer, if you’re worried.

Final Thoughts & Summary

So, does beer kill worms in dogs? There is no real evidence in any scientific journals to say that it does, but there is some anecdotal evidence that Guiness may do.

Beer is an age-old treatment for worms in dogs, however, most medical professionals argue strongly against its usage for safety reasons.

It is claimed that this age-old home remedy helps weaken and subdue the activities of worms in dogs, and consequently gets rid of them, but there isn’t much beyond individual claims online to prove it works.

Beer has its pros and cons when used on dogs and you should consider the points noted in this article before you make your decision.

You should weigh the possibilities of beer killing worms in your dogs or the risk of potentially leaving your dog poisoned with alcohol.

You may want to try alternatives like giving apple cider vinegar or one of the other alternatives in our list above.

For a worm infestation as serious as heartworm, we would highly recommend going the normal medical route with a vet.

If you suspect or saw your dog eat tapeworm eggs or tapeworm, then you may safely experiment with alternative medicines first as long as you’ve done your research, since tapeworm isn’t as time-critical as heartworm disease.

In the end, it’s up to you to make an informed decision on whether you’ll use beer for your dog or not.

We hope you find just the cure and a lasting solution to your dog’s intestinal health.

Good luck! And if you know of any other home remedies that work and have research behind them, please feel free to drop a comment below.


DATTA, 1987 – (98% reduction in heartworm microfilarial count with alcoholic extract of ginger injected subcutaneously)