As you may know, worms eat any decaying organic matter, that usually stems from what is on the surface or sometimes within the ground. That mostly means that they eat fruits and vegetables that have gone bad, dead roots/leaves/flowers, etc. It does also mean that they will the bacteria that descends into the soil from dead animals. Yes, that means that worms do eat bugs. Now, it is important to make a distinction between them eating...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Bacteria?
A worm’s diet is quite diverse. As you may know, they will eat nearly any organic decaying matter which will include bacteria. The matter can come from dead leaves, dead roots, your kitchen scraps ( such as banana peels, apple cores, coffee grounds, fruits and vegetables that have gone bad, etc ). The food has to be well along the decaying process in order for the worms to eat it. Yes, worms feed on bacteria...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Avocado Skins?
Avocados have become an increasingly popular food, making them an essential buy for many people during their weekly shop. Having them in salads, sandwiches or spread out on toast makes for a perfectly tasty and nutritious meal. It has also become quite popular to keep the avocado pit on order to grow your own avocado plant. But what can we do with the skin? Yes, worms eat avocado skin. For those of us who have worm...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Apples?
Apples are a great fruit to have in the house year-round. We love them in any form, juice, cooked, fresh, etc. From sweet apple pies, to sliced apples for snack-time, apples are great for the whole family. Part of their charm is that they do not go bad as quickly as other fruits in our bowls. Yes, worms do eat apples. If ever your apples stay in the fruit bowl long enough to go bad...
Continue reading...How Do Worms Reproduce? (How often, how long it takes, how many babies and more)
Most of us know that earthworms live in the soil, so how do worms reproduce if they mostly live underground? Are worms viviparous or oviparous? Do they reproduce sexually or asexually? How many eggs/cocoons do they produce and how many baby worms inside? These questions may not be difficult for the average worm farming enthusiast or people who are accustomed to rural life. But for those who have lived in the city or are just...
Continue reading...Do Worms Eat Cornmeal? (Do Earthworms Like Corn?)
We all go through phases of eating healthier and of course, eating not so healthy. Depending on our moods, timetables and budgets, eating healthily is sometimes put on pause. For those of us who have worm bins and/or worm farms, this can cause a bit of an issue. You may find yourself with plenty of bedding but not nearly enough worm food to feed your red wigglers. So, what can be done? Chances are that...
Continue reading...Does a Worm Have a Brain? (How Many Brains Does An Earthworm Have?)
Yes, worms do have brains – however, their brain is perhaps not in the form we might first imagine. The brains of worms do not exist in the cerebral sense we might usually think of. In plain terms, this means the worm brain is located directly alongside the other vital organs. Nerve endings located at the skin connect to muscles that are controlled by the brain, for example. The brains of worms are not as...
Continue reading...Do Worms Fart? (Earthworms And Other Worm Species)
Can a worm fart? We tend to say that all animals fart when that isn’t necessarily the case. We can generally say that most of the animal kingdom has flatulence. Snakes fart, some bugs fart, cats fart, dogs fart, the bat farts, the whale farts (so do many other sea creatures), etc. In fact, it is even believed that particles of dinosaur farts can still be found in the air that we breathe today. There...
Continue reading...How Many Hearts Do Worms Have? Do Earthworms Have a Heart?
Do worms have hearts? The answer is pretty complex – yes and a no. In one way, they have functioning hearts – but in another, they’re not really hearts at all. Though their hearts are not the same shape as ours, they perform the same functions. Five aortic structures conduct the activity of their hearts, and these are located near the mouth. They perform by contracting and releasing action in order to pump blood around...
Continue reading...Earthworm vs Flatworm – What’s the Difference? (and do flatworms eat earthworms?)
If you’re considering putting earthworms and flatworms together, make sure to take a different route. Believe it or not, these complex animals do not get on! Simply put, in the earthworm vs flatworm fight, the earthworm usually does not come out on top. These two types of invertebrates are incompatible. Over the years, some native flatworms have been joined by their overseas cousins. Especially invasive, those finding a way to the west from Australia and...
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