When a dog is infected with heartworms, the situation is critical and alarming because it can lead to the eventual death of the dog. This article addresses things you should feed a heartworm-positive dog, how to care for them, and preventing heartworm disease. So, what should you feed your infected dog? You should feed a dog infected with heartworms and with a low appetite, easy to digest foods. Fruits and veggies like carrots, pumpkin, beetroot,...
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Mattress & Bed Worms – Causes & How to Get Rid of Different Types
If you have ever drawn back your duvet, ready for a good nights sleep only to discover small, dark worms or white worms in your mattress or bed sheet, you may have a mattress or bed worms infestation. Although there is no actual species of worm called the “bed worm”, bed worms are generally classed as the larvae of fleas, adult carpet beetles larvae, and larvae of other species of insects. These “worms” can trigger...
Continue reading...Do Superworms Bite? (Will They Bite Pets and Humans?)
Generally, anything that has a mouth can bite, even a Superworm that looks harmless, but the question is what they can bite and whether they have the ability to bite humans and pets. Superworms, also known as King Worms, Zophobas morio (species of darkling beetle they turn into), or Morio worms have the ability to bite just like other worms, meaning they may bite you and your pets. In rare instances, Superworms have even been...
Continue reading...Mealworms for Ice Fishing (Do They Make Good Bait?)
Mealworms are excellent live bait for ice fishing possibly during winter or spring days; they are great baits to lure fishes out of their comfort zones. In this article we’ll go in-depth to explain why.. Due to their natural motion and scent, they can entice a lot of fish species to strike and latch on to them, especially if you want to catch fish in ice cold situations. You can use mealworms to catch small...
Continue reading...Can You Deworm a Nursing Dog? Is Dewormer Safe for Them and Their Puppies?
A good question we always see asked is whether you can worm nursing dogs and is it safe for both her to be wormed as well as puppies during puppy care. It’s a valid question and you wouldn’t want to risk other health problems for either the treated bitch or the puppies. But you also don’t want intestinal parasites for your pups. The answer is yes, you can deworm a nursing dog without affecting most...
Continue reading...Do Eagles Eat Worms? Bald, Golden & Other Species
Eagles are the kings of the sky in the animal kingdom and are known as large raptors (yes, a close relative of the raptors you see in Jurassic Park!). At first sight, other birds and animals cower in fear. With their huge and scary beak, you’d be deceived to thinking that Eagles eat larger prey exclusively and won’t settle for a meal as small as worms but the reality is different. The simple answer is...
Continue reading...Are Detritus Worms Harmful to Humans? (What About Fish or Other Animals?)
If you have been actively involved or interested in aquarium life, you might have heard about or even seen Detritus worms in your tank. These are thin, small aquarium pests that can be missed if you do not look carefully. They are often indicators of aquarium health and feed on dead and decomposing animal and plant matter. The detritus worm is not harmful to fishes and aquatic life, but are they harmful to humans? In...
Continue reading...How Much Safeguard Horse Wormer to Give a Dog? (IS IT SAFE?)
Dog owners often are in a fix when their pet’s gut health is concerned. Pet owners may need to administer dewormers to their dogs themselves to help get rid of worms from their guts. But oftentimes, dog wormers aren’t accessible to some owners, so what to do? Horse dewormer can sometimes save the day! In the case of dogs, gut issues and worms can lead to issues like excessive drooling, dehydration, diarrhea, or worse health...
Continue reading...Can My Dog Jump on The Couch After Heartworm Treatment? (The Health Risks)
Heartworms are deadly for dogs and can affect their blood, heart and lungs. But owners often wonder why they need to restrict exercise for their heartworm positive dog, and wonder whether their dog can jump on the couch after heartworm treatment or do other activities. We explain in this article. If you have a pet that was diagnosed with heartworm disease, you have to pay proper attention to how you live at home with your...
Continue reading...Should I Quarantine My Dog with Worms?
There are so many kinds of worms that can infect your dog and finding out you have an infected pet can send you into a panic. You may even wonder whether you should quarantine your furry friend to stop other animals or even yourself getting worms from your dog. The answer to whether you should quarantine a dog with worms is, it depends on the type of parasite or worm your canine is infected with....
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